
I give talks and workshops on a contract basis on topics including feminist porn, art house sex films, new intimacies films, youth and sexuality, and human sexuality education.

 Anne G. Sabo (Photo: Cupido)

Among the talks I have given are:
  • Hva porno kan være godt for (What porn can be good for): Conference workshop for The Norwegian Network for Sexuality and Relationship among the Physically Disabled (NFSS), at which I spoke to health care professionals about the potential benefits of erotic and pornographic film for physically impaired individuals (March 11, 2009)
  • Hvorfor "feministisk" porno? (Why "feminist" porn): Lecture to students in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at University of Oslo (January 30, 2009)
  • The Perils and Potential of Porn from a Gender Equality Perspective: Keynote talk delivered at the International Conference on "Heterosexual desire in gender equality discourse: A point of trouble?" hosted by the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo and the Nordic Gender Institute (June 17, 2006)
  • God porno? (Good porn?): Host and presenter at Parkteatret (Park Theater) in Oslo, a public event arranged together with the sex and lifestyle magazine Cupido and the Sexology Center NB22 (June 16, 2006)
Jørgen Lorentzen, Anne G. Sabo, Erika Lust, Anna Span at Parkteatret (Photo: Cupido)
  • “Hvorfor porno?” (Why porn?): A daylong workshop for the students in the Master’s Degree program in Sexology at the University of Agder, May 10, 2006.
  • Kvalitetskriterier for porno (Quality criteria for porn): A half-day workshop for The Norwegian Media Authority, after which they changed their policy for regulating X-rated films (February 28, 2006)
  • Adolescent angst and sexuality in Bare Bea: A talk delivered at the 95th Annual Meeting of The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies (SASS), hosted by Portland State University (May 6, 2005)